Java J2EE applications are considered to have a very long learning curve. To develop a single EJ B you have to create a class and some interfaces, besides of configuring some XML files called d eployment descriptors. All of this have to be in a specific structure of directories with specif ic names. Just an error in one of this artefacts and your EJB will not be deployed. This complex ity discourage the beginners of J2EE development. Some commercial IDE's have already done some i mprovements in this process, but this tools have proprietary build systems that are not portable .
The idea of this project is to offer an initial point for users starting to develop Java J2EE Ap plications. I intend to remove the bad idea that it's difficult to develop a J2EE application. T his project will offer a complete build system independent of any IDE or Operating System, based on Jakarta Ant, to improve the way people develop Java J2EE applications, reducing the development cycle time(code, deploy, debug). It also includes some initial EJB and Servlets examples with the corresponding deployment descriptors already coded and an initial build script. The code will be initially be based on JBoss application server, but future releases will includ e code for other applications servers like BEA Weblogic and IBM Websphere. Future versions can also include options for users who want to develop based on some other Java technologies, such as JINI.